Friday, 10 April 2015


I am delighted, nay properly chuffed, to have another record sleeve in this year's Secret 7" exhibition.

I had a good look at the sleeves on display at the private view last night and there's some terrific work  there.

This year's Secret 7" is at Somerset House and is open to the public from 10 April to 3 May. Then all 700 sleeves go on sale on 4 May for £50 a pop, all proceeds to music therapy charity Nordoff Robbins. You'll only get to see whether your suspicions about artist and record are correct once the sleeve is in your hands.

All the details are over at and you can see a gallery of all the designs at

Obviously I can't show you my sleeve for this year (yet!) but here's my artwork for last year, which was Glam surrealist masterpiece, Virginia Plain by Roxy Music.